Thursday, November 5, 2009

What to Do When You Find Yourself Surrounded by Conversations Which Aren't Christ-Centered

How many times do you find yourself surrounded by people whose conversations are centered about anything but Christ? About everything that has absolutely no value? If you're me...a lot! How do you react to these situations? Look around with a dark glance and then loudly declare the godlessness of this crowd? Judge harshly and then give up? If you're me...most of the time

But how should we react? Should we retreat into our personal bubble of self-pity and religious hypocrisy? I sure hope that's not our only option...and thank the Lord it isn't! here's the solution God opened up to me after a frustrating night of talking about everything but God...

Paul tells us "let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt..."(col. 4:6) and again "let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth but only that such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear" (eph. 4:29) note the absolutes... ALWAYS and NO .. doesn't leave much room for negotiation does it? also please note in both passages it explicitly says "your" not those around you. Scripture makes it perfectly clear we are responsible for ourselves..and we are going to give an answer for what WE did in the for myself and you for yourself..Rom 14:12

So what conclusion did I reach that night? Well..that I am responsible for myself. Gone are the judgments and complaints. I am responsible for what I talk about, and may I always be speaking with grace that it may build others up. if you know know that's far from the truth...ever meet those people who always bring up God no matter the topic? well that can be you are a couple of suggestions.

what experience has taught me is that the more you read Bible the more you can talk about it with more ease. read ps 119 to get an idea of how much time david spent in God's Word...psalm one: "and on His Word he meditates day and night" .. more time than the average Christian spends right?... when i spent three-four hours daily in devotions I found Christ ALWAYS in my mind, always in my speech. i was heavenly-minded. i dont spend as much time now and it takes some work to bring the conversation back to my's in direct parallel to how much time I spend with God!! "skem povideshsya tovo i nobireshsya" .. english translation: "who you're spending time with that's who you're going to be like" .. i cannot enough emphasize: SPEND MORE TIME WITH GOD!! and you'll find yourself thinking about those things which are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, worthy of praise (phil. 4:8) and what a person spends time thinking about he will also spend time talking about.

so there's my solution to situation where no one is talking about Christ..or about anything without value: you talk about Him...and as long as you're doing the right thing that's all that matters. you'll be amazed at how the crowd around you changes. people who hoestly do not care about God will find others to talk with and those who wish to speak of greater, more lasting truths will be drawan to you. but dont just wish..start taking action. talk about Him; always and around all. hard? yes!!! possible? "i can do all thing through Christ who strengthen me" (phil 4:13)

p.s. now im speaking about everyday situations when you're out in the world..if you find yourself constantly surrounded by unChrist-centered even in the church you have a problem. you need to find good friends who are Christ-centered, Gospel-saturated, and cross-exalting..perhaps a seperate article on that later ;)

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