And as I read about Jesus' life I can't help but think whether His was the same. Jesus is perfect, and was perfect in His human form so He never lost His temper and said something He knew would wound a loved one. How many words I wish I could take back..words I said in the heat of argument and were regretted after. Jesus never had to regret saying something harsh and untrue out of anger... because He never got angry over silly little things that often set us off.
I share a special status in my family. I know my dad loves me more than my cousin..because I am his daughter. I love my sister more than I love my best friend. After all, they are family and "blood is thicker than water". Friends are temporary but family is forever... Don't you think Jesus' family thought the same thing? In Luke 8:19-21 His family tries to get through the crowd but can't because there are so many people! I can just imagine them saying "I am His BROTHER...hello! His brother--we're united by blood!! You know what..why don't you call Him? Tell Him His BROTHER is here and see what He does to you when He finds out you aren't letting me through!" And then Jesus' answer floats back to them "my mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it." Can you imagine their indignation? Their fury at being dismissed in front of so many people? Their hurt at being put at a level equal to all the strangers around them? Yet Jesus was not saying this merely to be harsh, or to get back for that one time that older brother didn't let Him borrow his tunic. He said it to make clear that His family was not to be worshiped or seen as divine. He made all equal at the cross! He died for His mother just as much as He died for me...He didn't pay a lesser punishment for her or a greater one for me. He raised me up to the same status as His brother!! Does this not amaze you? Does not His grace astound you?
I'm sure Jesus holds a special spot for His earthly family..after all He did spend 30 years with them but He sees me no different from His sister or His brother. His family might not have gotten that message that day in that moment. But at least one person did: James. He starts out His epistle with "James a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ..." The literal word there being "slave". He, the brother of Jesus who lived with Him perhaps in the same house, introduced himself as the slave, the lowest class which holds absolutely no esteem. I would have introduced myself as His brother, milking my authority as far as it can get me. Even here we do that..."yeah I'm the daughter of the head know the guy who hires and can fire your daddy?" James could have said "James the brother of our Lord Jesus Christ who will judge all creation and at whose name every knee will bow." And yet he chose to introduce himself as a slave, one that has been enslaved for life and holds no redeeming power in the household. THAT's what Calvary produces....
anyways...all that to show a silly video which I think so clearly portrays our sibling rivalry played out day after day.......
yanna this was a very funny video to watch. as soon as this week is over, God willing, i want to start adding to the blog :) just have to get to it
ReplyDeletehoney dont worry..i know youre having an intense year and i completely understand. God is still teaching me much about this blog and its coming in oh so slow because of my thick skull! i need to learn much about humility and God-centeredness before i commit fully to the blog and im afraid of my human pride so im taking it slow and prayerfully now and adding only when i feel the Holy Spirit leading me to so i understand if you dont add for a me youre not under any pressure from me =)