Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So by God's sovereign and amazing grace I have been admitted to William Jessup University. Because of His goodness, out of the total cost I only have about 4000 not covered. Scholarships, financial aid, and grants have all pushed me to a place I never really believed I would get to. Again the glory is to God alone. From the very beginning I have seen and felt His guidance...honestly every door has been opened and every path cleared for this university miraculously. This is how I know it is God's will.

And therefore I want to encourage everyone out there to pursue your dreams. I never thought that I would be the first one in my family to move out for college, it was always this far and vague dream. But God opened the door and I walked through it. I know it hasn't been easy, there have been many sleepless nights and tears but it is all worth it! And now here I am ready to move out on my own and take the very first step in achieving those goals which were always simply dreams. It is hard...it will cost you. But let me assure you, if it is God's will He will guide you through. We have all been brought to this planet for a purpose, and each have been equipped with special talents to fill out that purpose. The greatest tragedy? WASTING YOUR LIFE!! So I would just like to tell you all that God does have a plan for you, and you can achieve your goals. Don't let anything stand in your way, don't let anyone tell you that it's impossible. With God there is a way. In Christ everything is possible.

Lord willing, if I am alive and well I will be moving out this August to Rocklin, CA. I would like to ask you to pray for me. I know there are many struggles and difficulties ahead but I also know that my sins have been paid for at the Cross. And there is nothing bigger than that. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm very excited for you yana! and that's amazing you will be in Rocklin. that's where Inna my sister lives! so i guess i will be visiting you often :):)
