Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

She Was Only Ten Years Old

a poem i wrote several years ago... by the end i was bawling, unable to face the faith of the little girl. as an author you must put yourself in the shoes of your main character, going through everything they go through in your writing. you should be exhausted in the end..and i was. though this particular poem is fiction i have read of similar accounts in Foxe Book of Martyrs, which i highly recommend as a must for everyone. as you read, please try putting yourself in this yound girl's place and praise the Lord for such testimony which grounded our precious faith in the highest price there is: one's own blood. ..only because of the cross.

She Was Only Ten Years Old

The footsteps come nearer, echoing off the cold bare stones.

The faces grow still, a small flicker of fear jumps to her eyes.

A warm hand steadily grips her cold one.

“He has not given us a spirit of fear.”

The soft words seem to calm her, the shivering stops.

A man appears at the door, his thin lips stretched into a mocking smirk.

Blood glistens at the end of his spear, not his own.

He smiles at them.

“Hear the crowds? They’re waiting for you.”

The shivering begins again; the ache in her chest sharpens until her breath catches.

Suddenly, his eyes meet hers. “My dear, you are yet so young. Does your God really demand your death? Nero would be happy to have you serving in his palace, your pretty face will surely please him. Come now, my child, don’t be foolish. Bow just once to our great emperor and I will give you life.”

Fear burns steadily in her blue eyes.

Her hand trembles slightly in the steady grip.

“For whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, Of him will the Son of man also be ashamed
When he comes in the glory of the Father with the holy angels.”

The shivering stops and she squeezes the warm hand as her eyes steadily meet the guard’s.

He shrugs and wipes the blood again with a thin smirk.

“We’ll see how you’ll run when the lions take the first bite.”

His eyes glitter with something ugly as he laughs, a coarse and ugly sound.

“Get up, you stupid lunatics, the people await.”

As if to affirm his words, the crowds roar impatiently.

They stand together, the shivering begins again except now the steady hand is gone.

One by one, in total silence, they file through the door.

She tries to rush through but the cold iron of the guard’s spear pierces her skin.

The only answer to her quiet gasp is a chuckle.

Again the iron pierces her skin, except this time fresh blood glistens on the tip.

Her blue eyes fill with tears as she tries to escape the next prod.

“Be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life”

Again the quiet words steady her and she raises her chin toward the light.

Blood seeps through the once gray cloak her mother knit for her many months ago.

Finally they reach the light.

“Good-bye my little one.”

The whispered words are accompanied by the final hard prod, the cold iron is thrust into her side.

She stumbles but before her knees buckle, the guard pushes her through with a sneer.

“Your audience awaits you, my dear.”

The sudden light blinds her, she raises her sticky hand to her eyes and stumbles through the iron gates.

“But take heart, I have overcome the world.”

The steady hand helps her to her feet, and she continues to stumble across the sand.

The cheers of the crowd roar in her ears, she doesn’t understand.

Why must they take so much pleasure in her pain?

A small stone flung from somewhere above cuts her cheek, instantly her eyes ignite with anger.

What for?

The injustice of it all boils inside of her.

Why must they scream so loud?

Why were they so eager to see her blood?

“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

The hot fury subsides as she grips her wounded back.

Suddenly, another roar joins the crowd.

She jerks as her eyes follow the young tigress running through the gates.

Her eyes glitter and she seemed to smile at her as another lion joins her.

Fear floods her chest, her heart begins to hammer loudly in her chest.

Her blood roars in her ears, drowning out all other sounds.

The tigress approached her, her eyes on the blood gushing through her

She stumbles backward, her hand gripped steadily.

Suddenly the tigress’s golden eyes leave her and fasten onto the one who still held her hand.

The steady grip loosened.


“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, Neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.”

The final quiet words were stolen by the cold wind.

Her frozen blue eyes widen in horror as she watches the tigress devour her daddy.

Time seems to freeze as the golden eyes latch onto her.

Cold panic pours through her, she stumbles backwards.

An involuntary scream rips from her throat as she trips over the small stone flung at her only moments ago.

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubles, neither let them be afraid.”

Familiar words, yet from whom?

Her daddy is dead, pieces of his body strewn on the once golden sand.

His lips can no longer whisper the comforting words.

“Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.”

Her heart slows, a warm light filling her eyes.

Her heavenly Father was there, His quiet whisper was resounding in her
small soul.

His promises melting the bitterness into a pool of love for those who still cried out for her blood.

The roar of the crowd increased as another tear splashed onto the crimson sand.

A calm smile spread across her face as she saw the claws rip through her leg.

Pain and heat exploded before her eyes, the scarlet blood spreading fast over the sand.

Lights flashed her eyes, pain racking through her small frame at the first bite.

The screams of the crowd deafened her, she smiled.

One tear glistened in her shining eyes.

“Forgive them, Father,” her lips whisper as everything slowly faded away.

“Forgive them, my Lord. They don’t know I’m only ten years old.”

Thursday, December 17, 2009

a good reminder to write in our hearts

This was taken from a Scripture reference book for counseling by John G. Kruis that my step sister let me read. It was very beneficial to me so I will share the Salvation excerpt with you :).

Salvation (Leading a Person to Christ)

Apart from Christ, we are helpless and sinful.
We are all sinners.
1. We are all born in sin.
Ps. 51:5. Surely I have been a sinner from birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
2. We all, like sheep, have gone astray.
Isa. 53:6. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
3. All have sinned through Adam.
Rom. 5:12. Just as sin has entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.
Rom. 5:19. Just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
4. Jews and Gentiles alike are sinners.
Rom. 3:9-12. What shall we conclude then? are we any better? Not at all! we have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. As it is written: "there is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.
Rom. 3:22-24. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
5. We are like lost sheep whom Jesus goes out to seek.
Luke 15:3-7.
6. We are like the prodigal son.
Luke 15:11-24.
7. Even our righteous acts are as filthy rags.
Isa. 64:6. All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
8. If you claim to be without sin you deceive yourself and even make God out to be a liar.
1 John 1:8-10. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. if we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives.
9. Apart from God's grace, our hearts are deceitful, beyond cure.
Jer. 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. who can understand it?
10. In the like of God's Holiness we see that we are very sinful. The is what happened to Isaiah.
Isa. 6:1-5. In the year that King Uzziah Died, I saw the LORD seated on a throne, High and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. and they were calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory." at the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty".
..... more to come :)...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Though None go with me

what a movie...

I'm just speechless at the way this movie stays true to reality and how hard life really is. it's riveting, convicting, personal, and honest about how God provides comfort even in the worst circumstances. I don't want to just take this movie as a typical love story.. I believe there are many things a person can learn from it.

Father I pray that our generation will come to treasure your presence and seek you wholeheartedly, by the power of the Holy Spirit. that we and many others will say, "Your will Lord, not mine" and that they may experience true joy that is eternal.

that we may not take lightly the Call of the Lord to trust and obey.

thank You Lord for each gift that you richly provide us. let us not presume to think we have the luxury of wasting our lives for man-centeredness, only to miss the whole point of life.

"a guilty, weak, and helpless worm, on thy kind arms I fall. Be thou my strength and righteousness, My Jesus, my all."


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Cross of Christ Is...

Breathtaking in its beauty
Breaking in its revelation of reality
The clay shaped anew by its Maker
Perfection bearing the corruption of another
The slaves redeemed by their Master
A mystery beyond comprehension
The object of eternal praise
The Son slaughtered by His Father
The day the universe was ripped in two
The crucifix, the epitome of history
The victory of mercy
Righteous judgment poured out on the only Righteous
The source of all genuine life
Magnificent in its purpose
The Bridegroom purchasing His Bride
Transcendent over nations and tongues and cultures
The ultimate exaltation of the only True and Worthy
Heaven's clearest picture of love
The shattering of sin's chains
Satan's final defeat
The ransom of the unworthy
God saying "I love you"
...So much more than stammering lips can pronounce

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why There Aren't Any American Jobs

John Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock

(MADE IN JAPAN ) for 6 am.

While his coffeepot


Was perking, he shaved with his Electric razor


He put on a Dress shirt


Designer jeans


And Tennis shoes


After cooking his breakfast in his new Electric skillet


He sat down with his Calculator


To see how much he could spend today.

After setting his Watch


To the radio


He got in his car


Filled it with GAS

(from Saudi Arabia )

And continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.

At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day

Checking his Computer

(made in MALAYSIA ),

John decided to relax for a while.

He put on his sandals


Poured himself a glass of Wine


And turned on his TV


And then wondered why he can’t find a good paying job in AMERICA

Monday, November 23, 2009

A God-Glorifying and Edifying Crush

Ok ladies...time to fess up.

how many times have we had our eye snagged on a cute guy and spent hours dreaming about him? You've talked to him maybe about ten minutes and you're talked about him for about 82903748748934 hours(might be a slight exaggeration on that last number but if you're best friend you wont think so :) So majority of us guilty right? right.

I was chatting with amy about that and knowing she would, by the grace of God, point me back to the Gospel I asked her about what she thought. here's the actual conversation (amy's is bolded and mine arent)we're jumping into the part where I am asking how i could make having a crush an excercise in Godliness..might be a little jumpy at first but i think you get the message overall:

haha..i just dont know how to make that godly

or is it?

thats a hard one to figure out

can we be godly in that or should we focus solely on that?
solely on Jesus*

because the most Godly thing to keep in mind is to treat him like a brother

idk...im wondering if we should be focusing only on Jesus right now and not think about others..especially if we know there probebly isnt a future
but its hard to tell yourself "stop" .. not always that simple
where does the Gospel come in?

the Gospel is clear, we deserve God's wrath
everyday is God's grace
that is enough
Christ is enough
yes I deal with it a lot recently too

He is enough..so is focusing on another sinful?

I think it can be

if we let it distract us from God

how can we keep it from distracting us?

but everytime we think about it , it should drive us to prayer

i have been praying about it

prayer for an undivided mind

hmm..good advice

these realizations that you are fallen and prone to think too often about a guy only point more to your human-ness
and depravity
that is why it drives us upward towards God
it should anyway

so its a tool of the Holy Spirit to drive us back to the Gospel and remind us of the cross

and ask him for a way out.. maybe it could be to filling your mind with the things of the Lord
yes I think that would be most helpful for me

AMAZING! amy im writing a blog about this

:):) you and I both need to be pointed to Christ in every situation of our lives

yes and especially in this since it is in an area we often delve into

so if you have a mind that is at my level or above (and trust me you are..i have a brain tinged with blonde) you reached the conclusion I did. Having a crush glories God..it reminds us of the Gospel..it renews us in our love for Calvary..it strengthen your prayer life. bet you never thought having a crush gave so much. But if you didn't get it; here's the rundown for you:

having a crush should drive us to our knees in asking God to clear our mind and help us focus on Him. the fact that we have to do that should remind us of our always sinful, fallen depravity which always wants to focus on/exalt man rather than God. that should point you to the cross where Jesus paid for that and paid for the power of the new life you now live in Christ, giving you the power to focus on God and treating that certain young man(or woman) as a brother in Christ(or sister).

and so I leave you one o'clock in the morning with this thought: the next time you're pining away after some guy be reminded of the Gospel and God's good grace. pray and never ever let that certain person distract you from the Lord but instead, drive you closer to Him and another step closer to Calvary.

Friday, November 13, 2009

More Than Just a Job

I have a new job now..at Majesty Bible and Gifts(Herndon and Ceder) .. (come visit me =)

first three days I came home and cried. I was simply overwhelmed by all of the new information I had to memorize, I felt incompetent, and not needed. To top it all off I felt like I wanted to pour my heart out to someone but I didn't want to be complaining(though I did) and I couldn't find anyone who would direct me back to the bigger picture of serving Christ and humility.

But today went really well. We were busy and I felt like I was accomplishing something. I also was able to work without someone breathing down my neck (my bosses are absolutely wonderful though, very very blessed to have them..i just dont like to be watched). I was reminded that my work should not be viewed as simply a job..four hours to kill earning money. Today for the first time I was able to see my work as a service for Christ.

I encourage those who have a new job or those who have had a job for a long time to rethink your service. Do you see those whom you serve as people who need to be smiled at and treated like porcelain glass and escorted with a relieved glance out the door? Or do you see your customers as real people with souls, with wounds and scars from their life? People to be reached for Christ? People to be encouraged and prayed over? I'm not going to tell you how I first categorized ... =)

To sum it all up I just want to say that I have a great job. God brought these people into my life for a purpose, every face I see is there for a reason and there is a sea of opportunities every time I walk through that front door. I want to be reminded of the Gospel in my work everyday, and I want to touch those people with the wondrous Gospel with every breath I take. Which will only happen through prayer. So pray for me that my job can be more than just a job.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What to Do When You Find Yourself Surrounded by Conversations Which Aren't Christ-Centered

How many times do you find yourself surrounded by people whose conversations are centered about anything but Christ? About everything that has absolutely no value? If you're me...a lot! How do you react to these situations? Look around with a dark glance and then loudly declare the godlessness of this crowd? Judge harshly and then give up? If you're me...most of the time

But how should we react? Should we retreat into our personal bubble of self-pity and religious hypocrisy? I sure hope that's not our only option...and thank the Lord it isn't! here's the solution God opened up to me after a frustrating night of talking about everything but God...

Paul tells us "let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt..."(col. 4:6) and again "let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth but only that such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear" (eph. 4:29) note the absolutes... ALWAYS and NO .. doesn't leave much room for negotiation does it? also please note in both passages it explicitly says "your" not those around you. Scripture makes it perfectly clear we are responsible for ourselves..and we are going to give an answer for what WE did in the body..me for myself and you for yourself..Rom 14:12

So what conclusion did I reach that night? Well..that I am responsible for myself. Gone are the judgments and complaints. I am responsible for what I talk about, and may I always be speaking with grace that it may build others up. if you know me..you know that's far from the truth...ever meet those people who always bring up God no matter the topic? well that can be you too..here are a couple of suggestions.

what experience has taught me is that the more you read Bible the more you can talk about it with more ease. read ps 119 to get an idea of how much time david spent in God's Word...psalm one: "and on His Word he meditates day and night" .. more time than the average Christian spends right?... when i spent three-four hours daily in devotions I found Christ ALWAYS in my mind, always in my speech. i was heavenly-minded. i dont spend as much time now and it takes some work to bring the conversation back to my Jesus...it's in direct parallel to how much time I spend with God!! "skem povideshsya tovo i nobireshsya" .. english translation: "who you're spending time with that's who you're going to be like" .. i cannot enough emphasize: SPEND MORE TIME WITH GOD!! and you'll find yourself thinking about those things which are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, worthy of praise (phil. 4:8) and what a person spends time thinking about he will also spend time talking about.

so there's my solution to situation where no one is talking about Christ..or about anything without value: you talk about Him...and as long as you're doing the right thing that's all that matters. you'll be amazed at how the crowd around you changes. people who hoestly do not care about God will find others to talk with and those who wish to speak of greater, more lasting truths will be drawan to you. but dont just wish..start taking action. talk about Him; always and around all. hard? yes!!! possible? "i can do all thing through Christ who strengthen me" (phil 4:13)

p.s. now im speaking about everyday situations when you're out in the world..if you find yourself constantly surrounded by unChrist-centered even in the church you have a problem. you need to find good friends who are Christ-centered, Gospel-saturated, and cross-exalting..perhaps a seperate article on that later ;)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Wanting Something More

Sometimes the pull of the world is strong--too strong.
The bright flashes of the world blind you to the steady light of His Holy Word. You are drawn to the heavy beat of this life which drowns out the quiet pulse of His Spirit.
In the light of the day you're all smiles but when the golden beams disappear tears brim brightly in your eyes because you are left wanting something more.
You can't cry out for fear someone might hear but you want to scream until the stark pain inside becomes physical.

Empty, empty, empty--a silent mockery drums into your bleeding heart.

Why are the others satisfied?
How can they be so happy when their soul rings hollow?
Was there none others left hungry?
Were there no others passed by when the food was served?
Does the world satisfy their cravings only?

Still empty, empty, empty...

Your weary arms droop, no more outstretched to the heavens made of brass.
Oh how empty is this world! How shallow are her joys and comforts! How deceitful is the lulling slur of compromise! Oh how deadly is the comatose creeping into the lives of many!

Oh but how difficult is that other path which calls for more!
How blood-soaked are the steps that lead to satisfaction!

And yet praise the Lord, His grace is sufficient!

Each day you rise to fight once again, and each day He comes to join you in the ranks.

"BE YE SEPERATE"(2 cor. 6:17)

His battle-cries ring in your ears, urging you on to a life of something more.
A life of battling compromising with sin.
A life on the other path.

Waiting on God

Many can forge ahead in the thick of the battle, sure and confident in the leading of their captain. But few can wait...few can sit and listen intently for the long-awaited voice of their commander. Few can gaze at others making history and be content to await their call, their turn. And yet...Waiting is a major part of the Christian's path. There are times when we must rush ahead with our sword of the Spirit but there are also many moments when we must be content to wait for the voice of our Captain. Many are the moments when all lights are out and silence is the only sound heard. How hard it is to wait then! The world's weight on your shoulder and decisions pressing in and still your Commander is silent! Others battle on, tackling new giants daily and you must simply watch them. How you long to join their ranks and lift up your voice to join in the battle cry! But you must wait. The whisper of complaint pushes up your throat and how you long to set it free! But you cannot, you must simply wait.
These are the moments which test us. All of heaven peers down to watch as your faith stumbles, then slowly beginning to take root. King David cried out "For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him." (psalm 62:5) O Christian, wait for Him.. wait on Him! Let not the murmur of complaint escape your lips when you pour out your heart before Him(psalm 62:8). Many will be the moments when you cry out in pain, in confusion, in frustration. In all moments, remember that His ways are above yours and His thoughts above your own(isaiah 55:8-9). He commands for you to wait...therefore wait. He is perfect, He is divine, He is sovereign. Dear Soul, pour out your anguish before His inclined ear but dare not to question. In moments of waiting praise Him. Praise Him for not lowering Himself to your own human comprehension--thank Him for being beyond your finite mind. Fill up the silence with your cry of praise for the Everlasting who is ever worthy. Trust in Him to hear you--trust in Him to answer you. And keep on waiting until His voice comes afresh with your orders in the battle.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

contrasting idealogies explained with two cows

humourous, oversimplified explanation of contrasting ideologies..taken from Genesis: First Things (my Bible textbook :)

capitalism: you have to cows. you milk one, sell the other along with some of the mil, and you keep all the money and some milk which you haven't sold for yourself.

socialism: you have two cows. the government takes one of the cows, and part of the milk, allowing you to keep some milk for yourself which you can sell if you want.

communism: you have two cows. government takes both cows, makes you milk both and gives you part of the milk for yourself. if you try to sell the milk to anyone you will spend the rest of your life in prison learning the "errors" you have committed by oppressing others.

Nazism: you have two cows. the government takes both cows, makes you milk both. then shoots you and takes all of the milk.

: you have two cows. the governments fines you in excess of what the cows are worth, because you have the wrong type of feed that you got delivered by mistake because you didn't have the correct form filled out completely. you are called into court for cruelty to animals because you killed a rat that was trying to eat the wrong type of feed, that you cant get rid of now, since the government considers it a potential health hazard. the government subsequently confiscates both cows, shoots one of them, milks the other and pours half of the milk down the drain. you get some of the rest to feed your family as part of a special government welfare program for destitute ex-milk farmers.

-joel vincent

btw as a reminder you are called to obey your government WHATEVER type it is (Romans 13) but you (probably) live in America where you can influence what kind of government you have..so use time wisely and be the salt

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sibling Rivalry

I want to share a video shown to me...a video, which if you have siblings will ring oh so true! I have been so blessed with a large family(nine children). Sometimes though that blessing is a little hard to see...for example, in moments you try to take a family picture. (Our last one was a disaster!) and we have been trying to take another for several months now...But it is a blessing and I am so thankful for God placing me in this wonderful family! It's fun to fight over clothes (afterwards you see it as fun) fun to gather for a birthday time, fun to have a family gathering where we usually team up girls vs. guys... .

And as I read about Jesus' life I can't help but think whether His was the same. Jesus is perfect, and was perfect in His human form so He never lost His temper and said something He knew would wound a loved one. How many words I wish I could take back..words I said in the heat of argument and were regretted after. Jesus never had to regret saying something harsh and untrue out of anger... because He never got angry over silly little things that often set us off.
I share a special status in my family. I know my dad loves me more than my cousin..because I am his daughter. I love my sister more than I love my best friend. After all, they are family and "blood is thicker than water". Friends are temporary but family is forever... Don't you think Jesus' family thought the same thing? In Luke 8:19-21 His family tries to get through the crowd but can't because there are so many people! I can just imagine them saying "I am His BROTHER...hello! His brother--we're united by blood!! You know what..why don't you call Him? Tell Him His BROTHER is here and see what He does to you when He finds out you aren't letting me through!" And then Jesus' answer floats back to them "my mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it." Can you imagine their indignation? Their fury at being dismissed in front of so many people? Their hurt at being put at a level equal to all the strangers around them? Yet Jesus was not saying this merely to be harsh, or to get back for that one time that older brother didn't let Him borrow his tunic. He said it to make clear that His family was not to be worshiped or seen as divine. He made all equal at the cross! He died for His mother just as much as He died for me...He didn't pay a lesser punishment for her or a greater one for me. He raised me up to the same status as His brother!! Does this not amaze you? Does not His grace astound you?

I'm sure Jesus holds a special spot for His earthly family..after all He did spend 30 years with them but He sees me no different from His sister or His brother. His family might not have gotten that message that day in that moment. But at least one person did: James. He starts out His epistle with "James a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ..." The literal word there being "slave". He, the brother of Jesus who lived with Him perhaps in the same house, introduced himself as the slave, the lowest class which holds absolutely no esteem. I would have introduced myself as His brother, milking my authority as far as it can get me. Even here we do that..."yeah I'm the daughter of the head pastor...you know the guy who hires and can fire your daddy?" James could have said "James the brother of our Lord Jesus Christ who will judge all creation and at whose name every knee will bow." And yet he chose to introduce himself as a slave, one that has been enslaved for life and holds no redeeming power in the household. THAT's what Calvary produces....

anyways...all that to show a silly video which I think so clearly portrays our sibling rivalry played out day after day.......

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How the Supremacy of Christ Creates Radical Christian Sacrifice

So I finally decided to post something since Yana keeps writing some good stuff!
However, since i have no original thought, i'm quite sure that anyone who reads this might just feel like they have heard it from somewhere else.. but i will spare you the investigation and just tell you I took a few notes while listening to John Piper's sermon How the Supremacy of Christ Creates Radical Christian Sacrifice

I cannot begin to tell you how much this sermon has broken me to tears over how badly i need to see this in my life...

¯ the Supremacy of Christ creates radical Christian sacrifice when we treasure our future reward vastly more than we treasure this world and the comforts of life. EVERYTHING. We treasure our future reward a thousand times more than all of our desires that are fleeting passions.
¯ Christ, Glorious and Supreme, is that reward.
¯ Hebrews 10. Hebrews presents Christ as purification for sins and the one who opens the door to the end. He gets us somewhere.
¯ Clearly from this book, Christ and his work are a means to something…eternal life... however!!!
¯ He, at that very moment, became and displayed the supreme beauty of the glory of the grace of God. Which the universe was designed to display for our everlasting enjoyment. Christ becomes the clearest focus of the end for which we were made (Eph. 1:6).
¯ We won't put behind us the event of the Cross.. The worst event of existence will be the thing we will eternally praise about, because it is that very thing that will cause us to not be able to hold back our praise for the rest of eternity!!

so... what do you do??....

Think on Christ!
Do not neglect the whole book of Hebrew's testimony to our great treasure!
• He is God's final revelation
• He is the heir of all things
• He is the creator of the world
• He is the radiance of God's glory
• He is the exact imprint of God's nature
• He upholds the universe by the word of His power
• He made purification for sins
• He sits at the right hand of the majesty
• He is God enthroned forever with the scepter of uprightness
• He is worshiped by angels
• His rule will have no end
• His Joy is above all other things in the universe
• He took on human flesh
• He was crowned in glory and honor because of His suffering
• He was the founder of our salvation
• He was made perfect in all of his obedience by his suffering
• He destroyed the one who has the power of death, the devil
• He delivered us from the bondage of fear
• He is a merciful and faithful high priest
• He made propitiation for sins
• He is sympathetic because of his own trials
• He never sinned
• He offered up loud cries of tears with reverent fear and God heard him
• He became the source of eternal salvation
• He holds his priesthood by virtue of an indestructible life
• He appears in the presence of God on our behalf
• He will come a second time to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him
• He is the same yesterday, today and forever
• And this supremacy of Christ is poured into the little pronoun "Him" (Hebrews 13:13).
• The sweetest fellowship you will ever know is the fellowship of his sufferings.
(now this was the whole point of the sermon which is usually always neglected in many christian settings)
• The supremacy of Christ is also present, personal, precious, treasure.
• My desire and prayer for you is that there would be a radical flavor about your life(which is stirred up by the affections of this Supreme Treasure, Christ).
• Here we have no lasting city. We seek a savior in a city who is to Come!
.... sorry for the unorganized style of writing. but the point is clear I Hope... Christ is the very end to which all creation comes to. he is not the means to some end.. it is all about HIM!
Praise God for his mercy upon us through this revelation from His word! praise him that we are yet still living while we fully deserve the cup wrath Christ had to bear!

Three Reasons to Show Hospitality

My dad has turned out front door into a revolving door. In direct obedience to the Bible... Romans 12:13 says to "seek to show hospitality". Hebrews 13:2 reminds us of the same thing, with an incentive"do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares". 1 Peter 4:9 commands us to "show hospitality to one another without grumbling." It's even a requirement for the widows who are to be put on the church paylist(1 Tim. 5:10) and for pastors(1 Tim. 3:2)!

So we all know we should be showing hospitality, and even more to be showing it with gratefulness and without grumbling. Easily said... From experience I can tell you that sometimes you don't always feel like throwing your door wide open to complete strangers. Sometimes you just want to crawl in your bed with a good book and a hot cup of tea. But, at least in my house, we aren't really given a choice. And how grateful I am for this!

It is a blessed gift to be able to open your house to others. First of all, you should do it out of sheer gratitude that you even own a home! There are millions around this world who don't even have a cardboard box to call their own. And you have a house with beds, food, silverware, couches, games, etc. As I have grown older I have wondered how on earth my parents can afford to house and feed so many...whereas certain others refuse to have more than five people because they're counting pennies. One truth I can loudly declare: "cast your breads upon the waters, for you will find it after many days."(ecc. 11:1) Despite having people over every day and especially weekends, we have never gone hungry. There was not a day that I woke up and found nothing in the refrigerator and pantry. You give and more will be given to you...you simply can't outgive God!

Secondly, coming through the revolving door have come many interesting people. I met many new people through my brothers, sisters, father, and mother. Uncountable are the times I have been edified by a conversation over the table. This, mainly, is attributed to my father as he always centers the conversation around the Bible. He often asks questions about Proverbs, or other theological questions. But anyone can start a good and Biblical conversation because it is an indicator of how often and long you read the Bible. The more you read the more you can share. Many friendships have been made because of our open doors, and many have been strengthened. And who knows? Maybe someday an angel will come through...or already has and will let me know in heaven =)

Thirdly, hospitality has been a valuable experience teacher! The many lessons I have learned serving others are priceless! I have learned how to wash dishes with a smile, I have learned how to set a table in such a way it doesn't disrupt the conversation, I have learned how to begin and keep a light conversation going, I have learned how to make a drink just perfect (my sister will disagree). More importantly, I have learned gratitude and service. God taught me how to desire the heavenly award and not look forward to human thanks. There is a lot I have learned through my family's revolving door.

So I would urge you to show hospitality. Do not look for the human praise but do it out of obedience and for the glory of Jesus Christ our glorious Lord. I hope that when I move out and have a house of my own my front door will be a revolving door for all and you never know...maybe some day an angel will drop by!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

7 Reasons Why Preaching Is Not Enough

Biblical list which outlines need for small groups necessary for all radical Christians. Taken from Piper's sermon: The Love of Human Praise as the Root of Unbelief(link below).


7 Reasons Preaching is Not Enough

  1. The impulse avoid painful growth by disappearing safely into the crowd in corporate worship is very strong.
  2. The tendency toward passivity in listening to a sermon is part of our human weakness.
  3. Listeners in a big group can more easily evade redemptive crises. If tears well up in your eyes in a small group, wise friends will gently find out why. But in a large gathering, you can just walk away from it.
  4. Listeners in a large group tend to neglect efforts of personal application. The sermon may touch a nerve of conviction, but without someone to press in, it can easily be avoided.
  5. Opportunity for questions leading to growth is missing. Sermons are not dialogue. Nor should they be. But asking questions is a key to understanding and growth. Small groups are great occasions for this.
  6. Accountability for follow-through on good resolves is missing. But if someone knows what you intended to do, the resolve is stronger.
  7. Prayer support for a specific need or conviction or resolve goes wanting. O how many blessings we do not have because we are not surrounded by a band of friends who pray for us.
You can listen to great sermons your entire life and be full of knowledge but until you start applying and incorporating those Biblical teachings into your life you're nothing but talk. This goes first to me! Small groups are absolutely essential for personal application and accountability.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

If Looks Could Kill....

Imagine this: you are in a different city, surrounded by people you have never seen before and you feel very out of place and awkward. You're supposed to be surrounded by fellow believers who are related to you with a bond that is stronger than any family blood. Yet it is those very people who stare at you as if you'd come from a different planet and even worse, they're giving you the "stink eye". After a while you're approached by some people, but they're people of the opposite gender! To you, that makes no difference at all: that person is a brother in Christ and an interesting person to talk to. But, unfortunately, this seems to magnify the "stink" eye several hundred times. Not a place you'd want to be right?
Black and White Cartoon of Two Girls Gossiping About Another Girl

There are several ways you can react to this scenario: you can level that stink eye right back accompanied by a self-satisfied smirk, you can huff and puff and start complaining to everyone who unfortunately happens to be nearby, you can spring from your chair and stalk to those few who won't stop staring and give them a piece of your mind, or you can laugh and ignore it and sneak in a few prayers. I know which ones I lean to when I happen to be in this scenario, and I know which one I should undertake. But knowing isn't always the same as doing.

So how should you react when the above scenario takes place and you find yourself in the middle?

If you take the first option you have just lowered yourself to their level. In God's eyes you're just as guilty and your lame excuse of "they did it first" won't cut you any slack. Rise above those generous givers and instead make eye contact and send them a bright smile(not a false one!) full of God's grace. Black and White Cartoon of a Boy with a Toothy Grin

Second option is just as bad. In fact allowing this small annoyance to ruin your night is just what those people wanted. In fact they're probably giving each other high fives under the table, lol. Scripture tells to be "giving thanks in ALL(emphasis mine) things"(Eph. 5:20 and 1 Thes. 5:18) and yes that includes those awkward, squirming moments. Plus you've just ruined the night for those others who are around you. Complaining, and especially listening to complaints is no one's idea of fun. Old Busy Body Shaking Her Finger clipart

Third option is just plain bad. Time for confession... this one would be my personal number one choice. That is nothing to be proud of! If you go down this path it's one of no return. In a moment of anger you can say hurtful things which later will be exposed as unfairly harsh. Angry Woman with a Red FaceEphesians 4:26 tells us to "be angry and do not sin." Later in that same chapter, vs. 29 tells us "let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give GRACE to those who hear."(empahsis mine) Also you have probably just ruined our testimony. Have no doubt word will spread like fire and within at least 24 hours you'll be infamous. Say goodbye to sharing your testimony at a church for a good couple years. If you still want to approach that person and exhort them then wait for a fitting occasion, aka later when you cool off, and approach with humility and the Bible. Otherwise don't do it.

Fourth option is the way I would go. BY THE GRACE OF GOD!!! None of us can pick this option on our own. God's Holy Spirit is needed to make this effective and pure in motive. Oh you might choose it to look good in front of others or because you know it will make those givers even angrier and look even more dumb. That's human, definitely not divine. "the venom of asps is under their lips. their mouths are full of curses and bitterness." (rom. 3:13-14)--that's us. Laughing takes strength, God's strength. Ignoring takes strength, God's strength. Praying most definetly takes strength, God's strength. It also takes humility and that comes only by God's grace. Focus on those around you and your conversation withthem. If necessary put yourself in a position where you won't be facing those people and if they are all around you keep your eyes glued to the table, your food, the ceiling, your other partner in conversation's face, or whereever else you can think of. Laugh at the absurdity of their thinking those "stink eyes" will ruin your night.Man Laughing clipart

And pray. Thank God for the grace given to you that you are doing what you are doing and not going by those other options, pray for further grace that you might share only gracious thoughts towards all, pray for the opening of their eyes(figuratively and literally =), and pray that you might take this a lesson to never do that to others. And pray about whatever else your heart desires to. The hardest path, yet one which will leave you with godly joy and humility and great memories of a great night! Most of all, this is the only path which will glorify the One you are representing at all times.
Black and White Cartoon of a Girl Saying Her Prayers - Vendor: iClipart

Let's be honest, those generous givers are most often females. It can go under numerous names: the evil eye, the dirty look, etc. I'm not saying all "stink eyes" are bad..some might be necessary for misbehaving children or when someone said something inappropriate and you need to let them know quickly and quietly. But most often that isn't why you are tempted to give them. Most times it's because that girl is sooo annoying and she's flirting with my man! And the sad fact is you're jumping to conclusions and probably overreacting. Once you recieve one unfairly, or on some occasions--several hundreds, you know at how it makes you feel. Use that experience to teach you a lesson on making others feel welcome and at home. Behind those evil eyes are some nasty words which judge you harshly. Gossip. Let these experiences burst your heart wide open and if you ever catch someone else on the receiving end be sure to walk up to that person and talk to them, making sure they don't feel like you felt when you were in their shoes.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Only Jesus!

As I'm listening to Sovereign Grace's "Only Jesus" I am stricken by the truth of these words, and their depth. In the midst of this chaotic life when this world is bombarding us with various kinds of temptations, does my soul truly cling tightly to Jesus? Do I cry for Jesus, and only Him or am I desiring a little bit of this and a little bit of that and maybe at the end of the day a little bit of Jesus? It is very easy to fall into the trap of today's liberal Christianity and try to compromise our way through the narrow path set by Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. But here is a truth that will never fade:

compromising on "little" things will keep keep you from radical christianity


like paul says in romans 12... "Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewel of your mind so that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Desire Jesus, only Jesus. Renew your mind daily on your complete and total dependence on Him and cling tight to the Cross on which He demonstrated His love for you! A truth which God has opened to me is that the only way the things of this world can grow dim in my sight is if Jesus grows larger and brighter in my sight, heart, mind. And the only way that can be true is if we pursue Him in prayer, in His Word, in worship.

may this quote ring true in all our lives: "My dear Jesus, my Savior, is so deeply written in my heart, that I feel confident, that if my heart were to be cut open and chopped to pieces, the name of Jesus would be found written on every piece." -St. Ignatius of Antioch

purpose in creating this blog

I have been wanting to create a blog ever since Nadia Chayka mentioned it to me in Sacramento when our youth went as a choir to sing. And Amy has graciously agreed to join me in authoring it. We both picked out this title for a reason which we hope will ring for everyone. Recently God has opening my eyes to the preciousness of Calvary. I have been made aware of how the Cross indeed must be the center of our lives, EVERY aspect of our lives! Calvary is the only place which can truly break us, the only place where we see ourselves as we truly are, in the eyes of God. We will be, Lord willing, writing much more about Calvary so I won't take up too much room here but just a sneak peek =)
anyways our purpose in creating this blog is, first and foremost, to glorify our Lord and Jesus Christ. Secondly its to offer any encouragement to those who are hurting out there, by the grace of God . And thirdly its to answer any questions you might have concerning our faith...so feel free to post questions! we want to share what God has opening through His Word and prayer, and perhaps thourgh that urge you to spend some more time yourself in personal devotions!
I think I can sum it up in one statement: leading you to even just one step closer to Calvary.
I can't think of any more reasons now but Amy feel free to add!