Thursday, October 15, 2009

How the Supremacy of Christ Creates Radical Christian Sacrifice

So I finally decided to post something since Yana keeps writing some good stuff!
However, since i have no original thought, i'm quite sure that anyone who reads this might just feel like they have heard it from somewhere else.. but i will spare you the investigation and just tell you I took a few notes while listening to John Piper's sermon How the Supremacy of Christ Creates Radical Christian Sacrifice

I cannot begin to tell you how much this sermon has broken me to tears over how badly i need to see this in my life...

¯ the Supremacy of Christ creates radical Christian sacrifice when we treasure our future reward vastly more than we treasure this world and the comforts of life. EVERYTHING. We treasure our future reward a thousand times more than all of our desires that are fleeting passions.
¯ Christ, Glorious and Supreme, is that reward.
¯ Hebrews 10. Hebrews presents Christ as purification for sins and the one who opens the door to the end. He gets us somewhere.
¯ Clearly from this book, Christ and his work are a means to something…eternal life... however!!!
¯ He, at that very moment, became and displayed the supreme beauty of the glory of the grace of God. Which the universe was designed to display for our everlasting enjoyment. Christ becomes the clearest focus of the end for which we were made (Eph. 1:6).
¯ We won't put behind us the event of the Cross.. The worst event of existence will be the thing we will eternally praise about, because it is that very thing that will cause us to not be able to hold back our praise for the rest of eternity!!

so... what do you do??....

Think on Christ!
Do not neglect the whole book of Hebrew's testimony to our great treasure!
• He is God's final revelation
• He is the heir of all things
• He is the creator of the world
• He is the radiance of God's glory
• He is the exact imprint of God's nature
• He upholds the universe by the word of His power
• He made purification for sins
• He sits at the right hand of the majesty
• He is God enthroned forever with the scepter of uprightness
• He is worshiped by angels
• His rule will have no end
• His Joy is above all other things in the universe
• He took on human flesh
• He was crowned in glory and honor because of His suffering
• He was the founder of our salvation
• He was made perfect in all of his obedience by his suffering
• He destroyed the one who has the power of death, the devil
• He delivered us from the bondage of fear
• He is a merciful and faithful high priest
• He made propitiation for sins
• He is sympathetic because of his own trials
• He never sinned
• He offered up loud cries of tears with reverent fear and God heard him
• He became the source of eternal salvation
• He holds his priesthood by virtue of an indestructible life
• He appears in the presence of God on our behalf
• He will come a second time to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him
• He is the same yesterday, today and forever
• And this supremacy of Christ is poured into the little pronoun "Him" (Hebrews 13:13).
• The sweetest fellowship you will ever know is the fellowship of his sufferings.
(now this was the whole point of the sermon which is usually always neglected in many christian settings)
• The supremacy of Christ is also present, personal, precious, treasure.
• My desire and prayer for you is that there would be a radical flavor about your life(which is stirred up by the affections of this Supreme Treasure, Christ).
• Here we have no lasting city. We seek a savior in a city who is to Come!
.... sorry for the unorganized style of writing. but the point is clear I Hope... Christ is the very end to which all creation comes to. he is not the means to some end.. it is all about HIM!
Praise God for his mercy upon us through this revelation from His word! praise him that we are yet still living while we fully deserve the cup wrath Christ had to bear!

1 comment:

  1. thank you amy so much for summarizing this sermon so well..i listened to this sermon countless times..but usually at night so in the morning i have a hard time remembering not even to touch summarizing! this definitely needs to be commited to memory as i think its a point that needs to be engraved in our minds! only Christ can make radical Christians..not rules, not music, not anything else except for CHRIST!! and how convicting it is that not enough dwelling on Christ reflects on our lives. He is soo worthy and we give him not even a fraction of what he deserves. this concept has been lost in modern "christianity"..there Christ is merely a means to the end. oh how i wish i could make every church across America hear this sermon!! thanks again so summarizing so well =)
